
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find the ranting and raving of a Software Engineer, musician, techie, open source fan/advocate and gamer.

First Things First

I’ll be posting here about any and all things related to technology, music, and world events. While I may mention world events and/or the politics surrounding them, I tend to stay away from purely political discussions. Sure, I have opinions but I’ll leave the politicking to the politicians.

I created this blog because there are a lot of things I like to talk about and this seems like a good way to do that. I welcome discussion and/or criticism.

You can find me on social media, and other places on the interwebs at the links below.

This Blog is…

Published with Ghost

This blog is published with Ghost. Ghost is a blogging platform built on Node.js. It is open source and hosted on Github. I hope you like it, because I sure do.

Maybe one day I’ll get around to contributing to Ghost - until then, using it will have to suffice. :-)

Hosted in the Cloud

This blog is hosted in the cloud with Digital Ocean. And yes, I tried other platforms, investigated prices, etc. This was the easiest and cheapest I could find. I’m open to suggestions, but Digital’s Ocean’s one click deploy of Ghost was hard to beat.

A Work in Progress

I hope to be making a lot of changes to the blog over time. Right now, I’m using the default theme called Casper. I’m going to get around to changing this eventually. Many of themes out there have the ability to use Disqus comments (or Facebook or Google+ or …). I’d like to add this option here, but I probably won’t get to it right away.