AngularJS App Walkthrough

While preparing to give a talk, I built a simple step by step application with AngularJS. The steps are there to show some of the features of Angular, and how an application might progress through development.

When I was learning Angular (around 1.0), what I found to be the most lacking was practical examples. I hope it helps those that are learning the “Angular way.”


The application renders information about open source projects, links to the project Github page, and renders the project’s Readme document in the browser.

For demonstration purposes, the project data is kept in a JSON file. In a non-example application, you would write an Angular service to connect to a backend. Maybe I will get around to writing a quick Node/Express backend for it - but I make no promises (see the todo list). :-)

To see a demo of the app during the steps of development, see the Github Pages site. The Github repo shows the steps of building the application.