3 Months of Code?

I stumbled upon Hacker School today. It really sounds like a neat idea, and I’m sure that it has helped some of the people that had the chance to go there.

But it got me thinking … what if I had 3 months to work on whatever code I wanted to?

What am I truly passionate about?

If I had 3 months to code anything I wanted what would that be?

I think it might fall into several categories and knowing myself, it would probably involve a little bit of each area.


I’ve been interested in Fractals for almost as long as I’ve been coding. I was fortunate enough to take a short class on fractals during college. That really opened my eyes to what applied mathematics could do.

If I had some dedicated time to work on fractals, I might do some or all of the following:

Web Tech

I’m of the school of thought that the web is where everything is going. I’ve been a big fan of various web technologies for a while now.

If I had more time, I would really dig into some of the frameworks and libraries that I commonly use in order to understand what makes them tick. Once I had a better grasp on some of the internals, I would look to contribute where appropriate. Some of these are (in no particular order):

There are certainly others but these are perfect examples of things that I have used a lot, but not had a chance to dig enough into how they work.


Before I got into coding, I was into music. I still am in fact. Whenever possible, I like to blend music and software together.

If I had the 3 months to code, as I mentioned above, I might look to:

Stay Classy, Stay Passionate

Whatever you do, be sure to take some time to remember what you are truly passionate about. I’ve only scratched the surface of what truly speaks to me, but that is the point. Taking the time to think about your real interests is an invaluable investment in your future.

I’m glad I found Hacker School because someday I think I might want to go there. However, in the mean time it was a great lesson to think about what I might do if I could focus solely on code for 3 months.

What would you do if you could focus on the things you are most passionate about for 3 months?